Road Rehabilitation in Sefikile Community as ACT Ubumbano Trainings Bear Fruits
by Amo Tshabalala
From last year’s project of the access road that was in very bad condition which is now being fixed, the good news is that the mine read my story and decided to ask for a meeting to meet with me and the Sefikile Community Council as the mine is well aware that we are working together to take the community forward by developing it. At the meeting, the council made the mine aware that I was busy writing another story about cracked houses caused by the mine as we never experienced a problem with cracked houses before. On the 30th of August 2019, we spoke about a number of things including the project that was supposed to have been given to the Sefikile community but was never delivered. We discussed some projects and how they be managed going forward, including:
- Salvage yard
- Land fill
- Organic farming
Eventually, the mine promised that everything that was meant for us will be granted before end of this year. It is all written in paper that it is what is exactly going to happen as there is proof that all those projects belong to the Sefikile Community and that it is part of the SLP that the mine need to comply with.
As for the main road that was in a bad condition, there is an internal road project and the good thing about it is that it is Amo who is monitoring it since from last. As activists taking our communities to the level where it should be is our vision and our mission is for us to be there when all is happening, witnessing it all being a success.