Call for Applications: African Feminist Academy for Climate Justice 2022

The African Feminist Charter beautifully and boldly noted “We reclaim and assert the long and rich tradition of African women’s resistance to patriarchy in Africa. We henceforth claim the right to theorize for ourselves, write for ourselves, strategize for ourselves and speak for ourselves as African feminists”.

It is in this spirit that the African Women’s Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) will be hosting the 1st African Feminist Academy for Climate Justice and invites you to be part of this exciting journey of reclaiming knowledge and power for the health of our people and planet.
The Academy will bring together African women’s rights organizations, girls and young women-led organizations and feminist groups to be abreast with science, history, politics, and economics of climate change.

A weeklong workshop followed by weeks of individual work and mentorship will create opportunity for the participant to learn, interact and supported by amazing feminists from different fields, all of them on one mission, reclaiming Feminist Climate Justice. Throughout the Academy, participants will have opportunity to (re)claim and share knowledge, interrogate concepts and narratives, theorize, write, and stand resolute in their truths.

To read the full call for applications and to apply, click here. The deadline for applications is 18 March 2022.