Wishing all a peaceful holiday, and renewed strength

Zanele, Thabo and Ashley, together with the Board of ACT Ubumbano, wish all our partners, comrades, and friends a peaceful December time, and a holiday break that renews your spirits. For those who celebrate Christmas, may the joy of Jesus’ birth and the peace he brings be with you, your families, and your communities.

The COVID 19 pandemic and the lockdown responses in 2020 have challenged us all to adapt, and to find new ways of being in solidarity with people who are fighting for their dignity. For us it meant convening a lot more conversations online, and we were able to carry on reflecting on our practice with activists and the organisations they work with. We also had to be responsive to those organisations that needed support to reach communities not coping with the isolation of lockdown, and the violence that seemed to thrive during this time.

ACT Ubumbano is about listening to the voices of those who are at the coalface of struggle so that we can better support their fight for dignity, and to stand more resolutely in solidarity with them. We hope that 2021 will see renewed energy to carry on this work. For now, we wish joy and peace to all peoples, and strength and hope to those who remain vulnerable at this time.

ACT Ubumbano will close for the holidays on 15 December, and will reopen on 6 January 2021.