Welcome to 2024

The team wishes you a very joyful 2024, and that your work sees great success in supporting those who defend their dignity. We ended 2023 on a high note with the Solidarity Hub and the Inter-Religious Convention. Click on the links to view the dynamic presentations, or to check out the picture galleries. And of course, we worked with Freedoms SA to launch the ClearMe app to help with expunging criminal records in SA.

This year we hope that we can do even more in support of local voice and action. We will continue to convene spaces for critical reflection on our practice. We will carry on looking for opportunities to raise more funds that can be used in support of local struggles. And we hope to amplify the voices of those who resist, who fight against injustice wherever they find it. Look out for the launch of Akhona’s Story – an animated resource to help with community organising. And we will invite proposals soon for the Solidarity Support Grants. This year’s Solidarity Hub will happen in October, and in June we will convene a Solidarity Hub in Europe for the first time. There’s a lot to be done, and we will keep you updated. We look forward to journeying with you all in pursuit of a more just and peaceful world.