Welcome to 2022

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2022. The team at ACT Ubumbano is looking forward to journeying with you as we continue to be in solidarity with those who fight to defend their dignity. This year will see a continued focus of support to community action. By bringing together activists from different communities, we hope that the joint reflection on and analysis of our practice will lead to greater solidarity among people, and action that brings change. We will also be connecting with partners in the faith sector and beyond to amplify the voice of those communities we serve. Through our own practice of “action – reflection – action”, ACT Ubumbano hopes to contribute to changing mindsets, to breaking old habits and practices that don’t emancipate people, and to finding new paths to justice and dignity. We will carry on making the path as we walk it, and hope that you can walk with us in what promises to be an eventful year.