Visit to Zambia and Act Alliance CHS Workshop
As full members of Act Alliance, ACT Ubumbano was represented by Thabo at a workshop in Zambia on Core Humanitarian Standards and Project Management Cycle on 17-21 April. Thabo joined southern African Act Alliance members from Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe in shared learning on these concepts with members from Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. The connections in search of new solidarity continue. For more pictures on this workshop click here.
Thabo took advantage of the trip to visit some of ACT Ubumbano’s partners in Zambia. Prisoner’s Future Foundation works with prisoners and with those who have served their sentence by providing care, health supplements and vocational skills to support their reintegration into society Action for Nature works with those resisting the onslaught on livelihoods and the environment in Mpika. You can read more about their work in our Partner Profile this month.