Ubumbano Partner Profiles: Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD) is a social and economic justice coalition that envisions a just Zimbabwe premised on the realisation of citizens’ social and economic rights. ZIMCODD advocates for pro poor policies both at local and national level, and believes that prudence in the mobilisation and utilisation of public resources is key in ensuring that social and economic justice prevails.
It is against this background that in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, the coalition upped its game in advocating for efficiency and effectiveness in the management of public resources. ZIMCODD engaged on a massive campaign against corruption, especially in the procurement of testing kits and other medical necessities needed to fight the deadly virus. The pandemic highlighted the need for innovation, flexibility and adaptability in our advocacy work.
ZIMCODD did not stop its work when the pandemic and associated lockdowns began. Rather it embraced digital platforms to continue with its advocacy and campaigns work. The fight for social and economic justice in Zimbabwe and beyond cannot be engaged in silos, so like-minded individuals and organisations need to work together to confront the injustices in their various forms both, at home and abroad.
You can find out more about ZIMCODD at www.zimcodd.org.