Caroline, Zanele & Thabo (NCA meeting)

ACT Ubumbano team trip recap

Zanele and Thabo undertook a trip to Zambia on the 14th and 15th September 2022. The purpose of the trip was twofold; to strengthen already existing partnerships with the ACT Alliance network and to meet some new partners in the solidarity support fund round of 2022. The objectives were successfully met with some really exciting insides gathered during this trip. The team met with Norwegian Church Aid staffer, Caroline Nenguke, to deepen the work around the voice app, post trainings conducted this year and to really get to see some of the stories from Zambia being brought to the fore on our Ubumbano Voice App. Watch the space for more exciting developments.

The second objective of the trip was to meet new partners forged during the solidarity support fund 2022 round; the two partners met were Ulemu, No One Excluded and Alliance for Sustainable Development (read more about their work as a featured partner on this newsletter). Some encouraging work coming out of the partners was the fact that the community is really getting to experience the impact of this work. With Ulemu working from the Kanyama Hospital in the Gender Based Violence space, are really getting some groundwork done with the police and help from medical practitioners from around Lusaka city to combat this social ill. To read more and engage further with this organisation’s work please visit their workspace  Ulemu, No One Excluded  

Ulemu Team with Zanele & Thabo

Alliance for Sustainable Development team with Zanele and Thabo