ACT Ubumbano convenes the first Learning Hub of 2020
On Tuesday 23 June 2020, ACT Ubumbano will convene the first in a series of Learning Hubs, providing a space for activists and social justice actors to engage in deep reflection and sharing on solidarity actions. Under the theme Solidarity in the time of COVID-19, the first Hub will explore the solidarity response of PACSA, CREATE and others to the pandemic in Pietermaritzburg.
‘When we stop talking, we stop thinking and creating, and we allow injustice to flourish.’
In the coming weeks, the Hubs will reflect on the work and experiences of different organisations and activists as they respond to the challenges of injustice in their communities. Organisations are invited to get involved by sharing their work and by identifying individuals who can contribute to and learn from being part of the Learning Hubs.
To apply to participate, click here. You can find out more by contacting Ashley at or Thabo at