Terms of Reference

  1. Outcomes Harvesting
  2. Documenting and Learning from the Evolution of ACT Ubumbano


At the core of ACT Ubumbano is the creation and safeguarding of a space for reflection on social justice and development practice that draws on inclusive methodologies that give priority to the voice of those most affected by injustice, that are rooted in challenging dominant power narratives, and that lead to transformative actions and programmes.

This work is framed by the three pillars of Economic Justice, Environmental Justice and Climate Change, and Gender Justice and Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights.

ACT Ubumbano has emerged through a process of consultation among partners from Southern Africa and Europe. We make the path by walking it – with no pre-ordained outcome, and allow the conversation and reflection to shape what would emerge through the process.

Documenting the Learning from our Practice

We have a stream of work that focuses on creating learning resources to support community organising, deepen conversations and practices that challenge prevailing power dynamics within the civil society and faith sectors – and society in general, and provide meaningful support to communities who are engaged in resistance against injustice.

Among other things, this area of work will generate publications that capture insights and innovations on social justice practice, and on organisational models and ways of working that go beyond the norm in challenging power dynamics of the status quo. A deeper understanding of how these approaches and practices help achieve social change can assist organisations and activists to reflect on their own work, and hopefully lead to stronger solidarity action against structural injustice.

ACT Ubumbano has invited proposals to undertake two specific and separate assignments.

  1. Outcomes Harvesting / Documenting our Impact

The objective of this work is to document what the impact has been of ACT Ubumbano’s work of convening spaces for reflection on our practice, and support of solidarity actions that emerge from those spaces.

The scope of this work will include:

  • Further development and fine-tuning of the Outcomes Harvesting template used in compiling earlier reports,
  • Interviews with at least 20 individuals and/or organisations who have participated in ACT Ubumbano processes over the past 3 years,
  • Write-up and analysis of feedback from interviews,
  • Compilation of a final report with recommendations for future strategies.
  1. Documenting and Learning from the evolution of ACT Ubumbano


This piece of work is concerned with the approach of ACT Ubumbano and its use of see/judge/act and other methodologies of critical reflection in challenging and reframing solidarity and social justice work. The knowledge product will also be a learning tool on the experimental aspect of Ubumbano’s solidarity in practice and related methodologies. It will reflect both the positive dimensions of the process and where there were failures or limitations, and how we learnt from such limitations and adjusted our approach accordingly.

This is seen as a follow up to an earlier publication entitled “Inequality and the Struggle for Humanity”, available here.

This work would also focus on the concept of ACT Ubumbano as a space of solidarity, drawing in the wider network of voices from a range of community struggles with which ACT Ubumbano and the participants in it are part. It will interrogate the organisational practice that has led ACT Ubumbano to this point. A key investigation area will be what worked, what was changed in the approach because it didn’t work, and how adjustments were made as learning was gained from doing.

The scope of work will include:

  • Review of ACT Ubumbano documents,
  • Inception report that outlines the structure and content of the proposed knowledge product / document,
  • In-depth interviews with stakeholders and participants in the process,
  • Write-up, analysis and presentation of the feedback, and compilation of a final knowledge resource.

Submission of Proposals

Critical thinkers and writers, activists and consultants, and organisations and institutions of faith will submit concise proposals that outline their suitability for and interest in this work, and demonstrate their commitment to knowledge and learning that challenges conventional approaches to knowledge production. Creative collaborations and partnerships to undertake the work are encouraged, and proposals with innovative methodologies will be welcomed.

In brief, interested parties should submit a concept note of no more than 3 pages outlining their suitability for and interest in this work. Evidence of experience in similar work should also be included, as well as an estimate of time and cost for the assignment.

Proposals, queries and conversations can be addressed to Ashley Green-Thompson at ashley@actubumbano.org .

For the 2 specific, separate assignments (Outcomes Harvesting & Documenting our Learning), the normal competitive selection process will be followed by ACT Ubumbano. The deadline for submission of proposals is 16h00 on Tuesday 23 March 2021.

Ethical considerations

The consultant will be expected to comply with basic ethical guidelines, particularly regarding ‘doing no harm’, and levels of confidentiality on the findings of the research will be agreed.