Call To Action: Prepare for a Powerful Fight Inequality Week of Action – 18th-25th January 2020

From Jenny Ricks, Global Coordinator –


We are building on the amazing success of this January’s week of action to end the age of greed with an even bigger show of strength and mass mobilisation to grab the media headlines in January 2020. Around the world discussions have already begun from Lusaka to London on how powerful national mobilisations will call for an end to the age of greed and showcase solutions to inequality from events held at ‘other mountains’ (in contrast to Davos’s privileged mountain) such as garbage dumps and mine dumps, as well as big marches. We have big collective ambitions to make a splash.

We have learnt consistently to deliver huge mobilisations that our discussions and planning need to start earlier, so now is the time to meet allies and put concrete plans in place so January grabs global attention. Our people powered week needs all of us to make it a success!

How do I get involved?

What does success look like?

  • Your country holds a visible, large, outdoor mobilisation in an excluded part of the capital city. Photos and videos from this are shared quickly on social media and communicated through print, online and TV media.
  • You have a stronger basis to continue nation alliance work to fight inequality as a result of the Week of Action e.g. through a citizen’s charter of solutions to fight inequality, or government responding to the alliance’s demands
  • Greater visibility for the alliance and our common messages and slogans

Grassroots organisations, activist networks and social movements take priority – particularly with women leaders and youth, and those most oppressed are at the forefront of the organising and communications